Welcome to ABA Wizard's Total Learning System!

This is the industry's best system for exam preparation currently on the market, and we are excited to guide you through and get you started. Please carefully read through this introduction to learn how to operate this thorough curriculum.

Text that says: What is our main goal with using the Total Learning System?

There is something that sets this system apart from other study and learning tools. It was designed with a very specific outcome. The only outcome we are trying to achieve through this training curriculum is to PASS THE BCBA® EXAM. Every item that is included was designed with the sole purpose of increasing the behavior of successfully taking the exam.

Simply talking about behavior analytic topics is not enough. At this point in your studying, you need to prioritize ONLY those topics needed to pass the exam. There have been thousands of research articles published in this field of study. More books have been written about ABA than you could fit on your bookshelf. But we don't need to focus on all of that right now. This curriculum thoroughly addresses every topic, and only those topics, you need to master before your big day.

Text: Timeline, AKA What is the suggested order of study?

Baseline - The layout of the Total Learning System begins with taking a full-length mock exam. This is a thorough baseline. This pretest mock exam is full length and closely resembles the actual exam. This functions as a baseline.

Curriculum - After completing the mock exam you will be given your results. Read those carefully. As you proceed to the main curriculum, prioritize those sections of the task list which you struggled with the most. This is true especially for those of you taking the exam fairly soon. Prioritizing your weak points can ensure you have time to complete the most critical sections that will have the biggest impacts for you on exam day.

The curriculum of the Total Learning System follows the current BACB® task list. Each task list item is broken down using a variety of educational tools. These include video instruction and tips for each task list item, TAFMEDS related to the current task list, thorough question breakdowns, and practice questions. Planning on taking 30 minutes to an hour for each task list item (or more if it is an area of weakness).

Post test - After completing the curriculum, take the full length Mock Exam B to test your knowledge and gauge improvement from your initial mock exam. Many people will find this sufficient studying. If you scored lower than you would have hoped, revisit those sections you struggled on, then take Mock Exam C. You may continue to study any weak points as you await your test day.

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